The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is a national assessment of a representative sampling of America's students in grades 4 and 8 conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics. Results are only given at the state-level; no school or student results are provided.

NAEP is administered by a federally contracted assessment team that receives extensive training to ensure consistent administration across the nation.

On November 25, 2020 the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Commissioner, with the support of the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB), publicly announced their decision to postpone the NAEP 2021 assessments.

"Challenges such as variable instructional models, health and safety concerns, and restrictions on access to schools are expected to reduce NAEP's ability to validly, reliably, and safely collect and report NAEP data in 2021. The postponement will move mathematics and reading at grades 4 and 8 to 2022," noted the NCES Associate Commissioner.

Additional information regarding the NAEP can be found on the  Alaska Department of Education and Early Development website.


•  NAEP Facts for Districts
2019 Report Card Highlight

                                                                                                                                                  Updated 12/02/2020