Preschool Programs
Juneau School District Preschool Programs
Integrated Preschool Program
The Integrated Preschool Program is a play-based program focusing on language development, social emotional development and school readiness skills. The environment focuses on individual children's needs and the teachers strive to meet each child where they are developmentally. There is a mix of students with special needs as well as peer models in our classrooms. Our peer models are an important part of our classrooms - we provide age-appropriate activities for our students in a peer group setting. We work on social skills, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, communication, and cognitive skills. Problem-solving and self-regulation are essential components of our preschool program. Peers should be able to follow multi-step directions, regulate their emotions, and work together with other peers. Peer models are able to use cooperative play skills that include sharing, negotiation, and/or trading. We believe strongly in the benefits of children learning best from their peers. Our classrooms involve whole group learning time, art activities, music and movement activities, a daily snack time and outdoor recess each day. We focus on building relationships with students and families. We hope we can help make your child's first introduction to the school experience a positive one. Most importantly we have so much fun in preschool. We spend a lot of time working on skills through play which looks like building with materials, playing in dramatic play areas, introduction to sensory materials and being exposed to different types of art activities and materials.
KinderReady Preschool Program
KinderReady’s mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, and engaging early learning environment that effectively supports the diverse needs of children and families in our community. We strive to develop a beginning passion for learning and build foundational skills for success in kindergarten and beyond.
We believe that children need ample opportunities to play, to question and explore, to practice social skills with other children in a safe environment, and to gain self-confidence. We believe that children can be guided to develop self-regulation by learning to express and regulate their bodies and emotions. We believe that helping children develop a positive self-image and become socially competent is the best foundation for their future.
We believe the role of teachers is to be a guide to help children meet developmentally appropriate milestones through inspired learning activities and experiences. Our student-centered curriculum is supported through stories, songs, play, art, science experiments, learning letters and numbers, loosely-structured activities, and guided group activities. In accordance with State of Alaska Early Learning Guidelines, we observe and assess each child’s Approaches to Learning; Social and Emotional Development; Physical Growth and Health; Language, Literacy, and Communication; and Mathematics knowledge throughout our school year and work to achieve the best learning outcomes for each child.
Peer application for Integrated and KinderReady Preschool programs: 2023-2024 JSD Preschool Application
Montessori Borealis Children’s House serves students ages 3 to 6 in a multi-age program. It is located in the upper level of the Marie Drake Building. The program for preschool age students includes before and after school care, running from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Kindergarten students attend only during the school day which runs from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Preschool students pay tuition, while kindergartners don’t. State of Alaska Child Care Assistance is accepted and scholarships are available through SEAFOM (Southeast Alaska Friends of Montessori). The Annabel Rondeau Preschool Scholarship applications can be downloaded from their website at Space is limited. All applicants go through a lottery
process. The majority of openings are for the youngest children. Families who are
eligible to receive free or reduced lunch have preference.
The Optional Programs Application forms are available at the Montessori Borealis School website at