Drama Kits Webpage

You can order Drama Kits through the Art Database or use the online lesson plans, available for most kits that don't require a lot of supplies.

You can also find Drama Kit Lesson Plan links on the Grade Level Drama Kit description webpages.

Questions? Comments? Contact Roblin Davis

Kindergarten Drama Kits

8 months ago

Alaskan Animal Senses

Explore basic animal needs and the five senses through creative dramatic role-play. By investigating Alaskan animal behavior and habitats through guided exploration, students use their senses to act like animals meeting basic needs in an imaginative environment. Students gain an understanding of the differences and similarities of animals in relationship to their environment, making connections to Alaskan ecology and biology.

This lesson uses role-play as an arts-integrated educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.

Weather Stories

Explore types of weather, Tlingit weather vocabulary, and rhyming through guided dramatic role-play. This lesson also introduces the basic concepts and skills of acting as a performing art. It can be used independently or as a compliment to a larger unit about weather, weather observations, or learning about how weather affects us.

photo of a students preparing to bow

This lesson uses role-play as an arts-integrated educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.

Tidal Pool Tableau

Tidal Pool Tableau Investigate tidal pool animals through observation, role-play and tableau. This lesson teaches both the dramatic art of mimicry and the foundation of using tableau for demonstration and assessment of student learning. It is a great compliment to other Sea Week activities.

Students creating a tide pool tableau.
This lesson uses tableau as an arts-integrated educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.

1st Grade Drama Kits

8 months ago

Statue Gallery

Explore body language through observation, analysis and creative movement focusing on posture, facial expression, gesture, and the use of spatial relationship.  Using a classic acting exercise for understanding non-verbal communication, students will practice sharing feelings and ideas using physical expression. In addition to introducing performance skills and drama conventions, introductory concepts of story can be included.

Students making statues with their bodies.
This lesson uses drama games as an educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.

Weather Stories and Dramatic Earth Events

Explore types of weather, Tlingit weather vocabulary, natural weather and earth events, and appropriate behavioral responses through guided dramatic role-play. This lesson also introduces the basic concepts and skills of acting as a performing art. It can be used independently or as a compliment to a larger unit about weather, weather observations, or learning about how weather affects us. 
photo of a student-created picture of a tree

2nd Grade Drama Kits

8 months ago

Drama Games

- Social/Emotional Learning

Target basic social and emotional learning concepts and skills through drama games and dramatic role-play.  Self-awareness, self-management, cooperation, social awareness and relationship building are all embedded in this series of activities.

Students working in pairs.
This lesson uses improvisation and role-play as an arts-integrated educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.

Story in a Bag 

- Dramatic Story Structure

Explore collaborative storytelling through improvisation. Following the Story Spine, students are guided by the teacher-as-narrator in creative play to invent character, dialogue and action for the plot within a setting. The lesson provides opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, spoken language, and imaginative play.

Students improvising.
This lesson uses improvisation as an arts-integrated educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.


Pantomime is an imaginative style of performance where actors tell stories silently, using gesture, facial expression and imaginary props. It is the art of nonverbal expression and illusion. This lesson provides a simple progression of exercises to teach the basic skills of pantomime.

Students practicing mime.

This lesson uses mime and movement as an arts-integrated educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.

3rd Grade Drama kits

8 months ago

          photo of students performing a shadow puppet play

Shadow Puppetry 

- Playwriting

Use shadow puppets and shadow play to enrich writing literacy and storytelling. In pairs or small groups, students are inspired by shadow puppets to collaboratively write dialogue for the plot of a short scene. Students then present the original drama with the shadow puppets while practicing prosody in dramatic reading, exploring the technical and expressive aspects of puppeteering.

This lesson uses puppetry as an arts-integrated educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.

Story in a Bag 

- Dramatic Story Structure

Explore collaborative storytelling through improvisation. Following the Story Spine, students are guided by the teacher-as-narrator in creative play to invent character, dialogue and action for the plot within a setting. The lesson provides opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, spoken language, and imaginative play.

photo of students performing an improv

This lesson uses improvisation as an arts-integrated educational drama strategy providing opportunities for students to construct knowledge through movement, sound and imaginative play.