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Alternate Assessment: Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)

10 months ago

All children participate in State accountability assessments. The Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) provides an instructionally relevant system that supports student learning and measures what students with significant cognitive disabilities know and can do.

Students with significant cognitive disabilities will have access to, participate in, and make progress in the general education curricula in compliance with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA; 2004) and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. These students may be precluded from taking regular or substitute course offerings as defined in Alaska Regulation 4 AAC 06.078. Alternate assessments designed for these students offer assessments in the same content at the same grade levels as the general content assessments. If a student meets the eligibility criteria, the IEP team may recommend the Alaska Alternate Assessment. It is expected that only a small number (less than one percent) of all students will be eligible to participate in an alternate assessment.  These students may be awarded a certificate of completion or attendance, based on completion of the IEP goals or attendance, rather than a high school diploma. (See 4 AAC 06.790 for definitions.)

The  alternate assessments are based on content standards for English language arts, mathematics, and science called the Alaska Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Essential Elements. The Essential Elements are aligned to Alaska's content standards, but reduced in complexity, breadth, and depth. The Essential Elements are located on the DLM website.

The alternate achievement standards are achievement level descriptors that are different from the achievement standards for the general education expectations for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

Parents have the right to make educational decisions for their child, including whether to participate in statewide testing.

Copies of student results are distributed to families in early fall following the spring administration of the assessment. State, district, and school results are available to the public on the Department of Education and Early Development website.


Talking to Parents About DLM Score Reports
Parent Interpretive Guide
Estimated Student Testing Times

Alaska Developmental Profile

10 months ago

The Alaska Developmental Profile is required by State law to be completed for all students entering Kindergarten or students entering first grade who did not attend a public Kindergarten in Alaska.

The purpose of the Alaska Developmental Profile is to identify, record, and summarize the skills and behaviors students demonstrate at the beginning of their Kindergarten year, based on teacher observations. Student skills and behaviors are defined by goals and indicators in the five domains of Alaska's Early Learning Guidelines: physical well-being, health, and motor development; social and emotional development; approaches to learning; cognition and general knowledge; and communication, language, and literacy. Per Regulation, these ratings must be completed and submitted before November 1 of each school year.

Parents have the right to make educational decisions for their child, including whether to participate in statewide testing.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Governor Dunleavy's subsequent disaster declaration in Alaska, the requirement for districts to complete the Alaska Developmental Profile has been suspended for the 2020-2021 school year.

Visit the Department of Education and Early Development website if you would like more information on the Alaska Developmental Profile.


Informational Flier
State of Alaska Early Learning Guidelines


College or Career Readiness Assessment

10 months ago

The Juneau School District provides funding for all students to take a College- or Career-Readiness Assessment (CCRA). The approved career-readiness assessment is Workkeys; the approved college- readiness assessments are the ACT or the SAT. Students choose which assessment best fits their post-secondary path.

The Juneau School District will pay for one administration of one College- or Career-Readiness Assessment (CCRA) per student while the student is in grade 11. High school students may take the assessment during the scheduled school day(s) of administration.

The following websites provide parent information for each assessment:

o WorkKeys:

o ACT:

o SAT:

The Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) also requires students to take WorkKeys, the SAT or the ACT to earn an award. The APS has different requirements regarding student scores. Please visit for more information on qualifying for the APS.

For more information or questions regarding this new requirement, please contact your high school guidance counselor or principal.


DIBELS 8th Edition

10 months ago

The Juneau School District administers Amplify's mCLASS® DIBELS 8th Edition assessment three times a year to all students in grades K-5. The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) consists of a set of measures for assessing reading skills. This is the statewide early literacy screener for grades K-3. This assessment helps determine how students are performing on important reading skills providing the opportunity to provide specific support so that all students will be able to read at grade level by the end of third grade.

Statewide screening and support are components of the Alaska Reads Act. If a student exhibits a reading deficiency, an intensive reading intervention service is provided in addition to the core reading instruction that is provided to all students.

Amplify's mCLASS was developed by the University of Oregon's Center on Teaching and Learning. mCLASS has been built on decades of research in curriculum-based measurement science and delivers a proven approach that screens for at-risk students and provides insight into individual student's reading development. The comprehensive assessment system offers progress monitoring, a built-in dyslexia screener, intervention tips, and robust reports for teachers and administrators. The assessment does not diagnose dyslexia but identifies which students need additional evaluation to test for dyslexia.

Parents have the right to make educational decisions for their child, including whether to participate in statewide testing.

Additional information can be found on the Department of Education and Early Development website.


Parent Guide
Estimated Test Times


English Language Proficiency (ELP)

10 months ago

English Language Proficiency (ELP) Assessment

Students in grades Kindergarten through 12 who have been formally identified as English learners (EL)  must be assessed annually to monitor their progress in acquiring academic English. Alaska’s secure large-scale English language proficiency (ELP) assessment is based on the WIDA* English Language Proficiency Standards, 2007. The assessment is called WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. It is a tool used to assess the proficiency levels of EL students’ receptive and productive skills in English in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The English language proficiency assessment focuses on the progress and proficiency levels of academic language rather than content area knowledge and skills, therefore, some accommodations that might be appropriate for the classroom or content areas tests should not be used with the ELP assessment as they will invalidate the test. Assessment administration information is available on the World-class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) website. Additional information is available on the  Alaska Department of Education and Early Development website.

Alternate English Language Proficiency (ELP) Assessment

The Alternate ELP assessment is an assessment of English language proficiency (ELP) for students in grades 1 -12 who are formally identified as English learners (EL) and have significant cognitive disabilities that prevent their meaningful participation in the regular English language proficiency assessment. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB; 2001) requires that all students identified as EL be assessed annually for English language proficiency, including students who receive special education services. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA; 2004) also mandates that students with disabilities participate in state-wide and district-wide assessment programs, including alternate assessments with appropriate accommodations, when it is documented in their Individualized Education Programs (IEP).

Each test form in the Alternate ELP test assesses the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Test forms are divided into the following grade-level clusters: 1 – 2, 3 – 5, 6 – 8 and 9 – 12.

Parents have the right to make educational decisions for their child, including whether to participate in statewide testing.

Copies of student results are distributed to families in early fall following the spring administration of the assessment. State, district, and school results are available to the public on the Department of Education and Early Development website.


Parent/Guardian Handout for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
Parent/Guardian Handout for Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
Parent Guide for ACCESS for ELLS 2.0 Score Reports
Parent Guide for Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Score Reports
Interpretive Guide for WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Score Reports
Estimated Student Testing Times

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

10 months ago

The Juneau School District administers the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) in Reading, Language Usage, and Mathematics to students in grades K-10 three times a year. 

MAP tests are adaptive, meaning they dynamically adjust to each student's performance. As a student answers a test question on a computer, the program immediately analyzes the student's response, and based on how well the student has answered previous questions, selects a question of appropriate difficulty to display next.

MAP are interim assessments that measure growth, project proficiency on high-stakes tests, and inform how educators differentiate instruction, evaluate programs, and structure curriculum.
MAP assessments are grade independent and adapt to each student's instructional level. Every item on a MAP assessment is anchored to a vertically aligned equal interval scale, called the RIT scale for Rasch UnIT — a stable measurement, like inches on a ruler, that covers all grades.

And because the measurement is reliable and accurate, RIT scores serve as an essential data point in a student's learning plan; educators can see their precise learning level and respond accordingly.

Parents Guide to MAP Growth
Parent Toolkit


National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

10 months ago

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is a national assessment of a representative sampling of America's students in grades 4 and 8 conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics. Results are only given at the state-level; no school or student results are provided.

NAEP is administered by a federally contracted assessment team that receives extensive training to ensure consistent administration across the nation.

On November 25, 2020 the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Commissioner, with the support of the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB), publicly announced their decision to postpone the NAEP 2021 assessments.

"Challenges such as variable instructional models, health and safety concerns, and restrictions on access to schools are expected to reduce NAEP's ability to validly, reliably, and safely collect and report NAEP data in 2021. The postponement will move mathematics and reading at grades 4 and 8 to 2022," noted the NCES Associate Commissioner.

Additional information regarding the NAEP can be found on the  Alaska Department of Education and Early Development website.


•  NAEP Facts for Districts
2019 Report Card Highlight

                                                                                                                                                  Updated 12/02/2020

AK STAR Assessment

a month ago

The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) is the State's new connected interim and summative assessment administered to all students in grade 3 through 9 annually. The spring of 2022 was the first administration of the assessment. This solution administers MAP® Growth™ in the fall and winter and an end-of-year summative test in the spring, offering coherence across the interim and summative assessments and reducing the number of yearly test events. It is designed to provide parents, educators, policy makers, communities, and businesses with information about student performance and progress in relation to the English/language arts and mathematics standards for Alaska students.

Parents  have the right to make educational decisions for their child, including whether to participate in statewide testing.

Copies of student results are typically distributed to families in late fall following the spring administration of the assessment. However, the 2023 Spring Assessment Results  were not made available until late Spring 2024. State, district, and school results of the 2023-24 Spring assessment administration are available to the public on the Department of Education and Early Development website. The direct link to the most recent school year of 23-24 assessment results for the Juneau School District can be found below.


• Link to Student Readiness Document

Educator Guide to AK STAR Assessment Reports



Alaska Science Assessment

10 months ago

The Alaska Science Assessment is a summative assessment designed to measure a student’s knowledge of the K-12 Science Standards for Alaska, adopted in June 2019.  The K-12 Science Standards for Alaska provide a new foundation for defining what students should know and be able to do in terms of scientific knowledge and skills.

The K-12 Science Standards for Alaska support learning and understanding through sense making and investigations associated with scientific phenomena in life science, physical science, earth and space science, and engineering and technology. Crosscutting concepts, an organizational framework for connecting knowledge from the diverse science disciplines into a coherent and scientifically based view of the world, are included in the standards. Science and engineering practices, Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools, and evidence-based reasoning are also included.   

The science assessment is administered to students in grades 5, 8, and 10. 

For resources on preparing students to take the science assessment, please view Student Readiness.

Following the spring administration of the assessment. State, district, and school results are available to the public on the Department of Education and Early Development website.


Family Guide to Student Reports
Educator Guide to Assessment Reports
Estimated Student Test Times


Juneau School District

10014 Crazy Horse Dr

JUNEAU, AK 99801

The City and Borough of Juneau School District complies with all federal and State of Alaska laws, statutes, and regulations, and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veteran or military status, or the use of a service animal by a person with a disability, and provided equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in education programs and/or extracurricular school activities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District’s Title IX Coordinator Kristy Germain, 523-1740, Title IX Investigator/Decision Maker Lyle Melkerson, 523-1710, and Section 504/ADA Coordinator and Title IX Appellate Decision Maker Frank Hauser, Superintendent, 523-1702, 10014 Crazy Horse Dr. Juneau, AK 99801
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